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Our vision

Bles was founded on 01/03/2021 by Drs. Sylke Van Dierdonck and Hannah Demaerel, general practitioners of De Tandem. Bles stands for "Buurtgerichte Lakense Eerstelijnszorg Site" and represents care providers of various disciplines working together under one roof.


As a popular horse name, "Bles" refers to the historical background of the building, i.e. the former stables of the dairy factory in Edmond Tollenaerestraat (see photos below), as well as to "bless you", which means "health, being blessed, wishing someone well".


With the various partners, we want to increase the supply of care in the neighbourhood and experience the richness of interdisciplinary cooperation. Together you know more than on your own.


Bles also wants to focus on the needs of the neighbourhood and work with organisations that want to promote well-being and health, especially among vulnerable groups. In the future we hope to organise workshops, sports activities, information sessions, group courses, etc. - when corona allows it :-) 

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